Our skin is like a sponge. It absorbs everything we put onto it. Remember the cute kid who liked Breyer’s Ice Cream because he could pronounce the ingredients(milk, sugar…cream)? What a brilliant way to bring attention to the crap that is put in our food and in this case our beauty products. Chemicals can clog pores, cause skin irritations, premature aging, cancer and mess with our entire system. I’ve spent hours researching products that left me feeling extremely disappointed and disgusted. I’ve bought regiments that claimed to be natural, organic, pure and safe. Then, received items that had a a very long ingredient list of only God(and the manufacturers) knows what. Companies have been false marketing to us and it really chaps my hide.

My quest was to find beauty regiment that is like my diet(well…most of the time HAHAHA); organic, natural and GOOD for me. I did some research, emailed some companies, received some goodies and grabbed my esthetician/pal, Natalie Bolton of Beauty Boutique, and did some experimenting. I personally loved the products of Nourish Organic and 100% Pure…and so did Nat. And yes, they had a very short and pure list of ingredients. Hooray!
Follow these steps and share other products that you recommend in the comments to “clean up” your beauty routine.
1. Read the List of Ingredients:
Open your make-up bag and medicine cabinet and start reading. Just because it says natural or organic it doesn’t mean its hazardous free! Check out https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ . Type in the company, product or ingredient to see how what their “toxic rating” is. You’d be surprised on the “green promoting” companies that receive high toxic scores. Look for these key words:
- Parabens, phenoxyethanols, artificial preservatives(ones you can’t pronounce, fragrance, phthalates, sulfates, sulfites, or phosphates, mineral oil, silicones, or paraffins.
2. Make A List:
What products are you tossing? I threw away about 95% of my products when I did this. Like cleaning out a closet and making a wardrobe list…make a skin care list.
My Favs:
- DAISY BLUE NATURALS: If you’re a consultant for a direct sales company that sells not-so-safe skincare consider making the switch to Daisy Blue Naturals(safe enough to eat). Your customers will thank you!
- COPRUS DEI: (for perfume/oil) by Natalie Bolton on rotation instead of Angel, by Thierry Mugler which consists of fabulously smelling chemicals. I still wear Angel, but not daily.
- SCHMIDT’S and JASON: aluminum free deodorants that actually work.
Reducing the use of the chemicals in your daily routine becomes second nature. Everything in moderation.
Note: The items are more expensive that your usual beauty lines …but worth it! #yougetwhatyoupayfor
3. Shop & Spread the Word:
You can shop online like the links provided, at Vitacost.com or in store at natural health care stores like Whole Foods.
Our routines may never be perfect but they can be safer. I’ve been harping my parents for years and years before they started to make changes. Before me, my husband had no idea what a parabens were. Today, he is more educated and shops way smarter!

PS. If you are in the Los Angeles area hit Natalie Bolton at Beauty Boutique up for a facial. I have Rosacea and she has helped me and my skin out for years. Don’t you love friends with benefits? Love you Nat! XO
Do you have a organic beauty favorite? Tell us about it in the comments!