Hi there! Ultimate Guide to Style: From Drab to Fab! is now available on Kindle (click here)for ONLY $3.99!

Is your closet like a monster gobbling up your style? Have you not updated your style since cigarette ads were allowed on TV? Do you want to empower yourself with a polished and attractive wardrobe? Do you have certain problem areas that you want to camouflage? Do you want to know what styles work best for your body-shape? Do you have a special event, date, or job interview that you want to be dressed the best for? Do you want to look great but don’t want to lose “YOU” in the process? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, purchase the book, follow the tips and you will be on your way to looking and feeling more FAB than ever!

Want to know more about Ultimate Guide to Style? Click here.