Happy New Year from my family to yours! I hope you all had a fabulous holiday and New Year’s Eve. As we strut into January with a tight hold on our New Year’s resolutions we may already have feelings of overwhelm and defeat. Yep, even on the 2nd day! In my opinion, it’s not about hitting a weight goal, getting that promotion or looking like a “10” every time I leave the house. It’s about continuous growth in all ways possible to live a better, happier and more satisfying life. I’m not as far as I’d like to be, but I’ve come a long way, babes!

Here are 3 easy way to be a “better you” by upping your game in 2018:
- Add a New Tool to Your Lifestyle: Write down 5 things you can learn that will make your life more stylish, fulfilling or a tad more awesome. What skill have you always wanted to have but have been scared to take the plunge? Pick at least one and do it! Sign up and pay for the training today. If you pay for it now, you will find time to make it happen. This may be taking a photography class at a local junior college, getting certified for that side hustle you’ve been thinking about or taking a sewing class so you can tailor your own clothes. Whatever your soul has been yearning for dive in. In December, I took a personal styling business class at School of Style. I’m already a certified Style Coach but the more I know about my craft the more I can give back to my clients and those around me. It’s always scary to invest a big chunk of change. My thoughts were what if I already know everything? What if it’s a waste of money? Blah, blah, blah. I was so inspired by learning new ways of doing business and services I’ve completely revamped my structure for Style By Rayne. Yay!
- Let Go of Whatever is Not Inspiring You: Before you can operate at your best, letting go of ill-fitting clothes, self-doubt, relationships you’re holding onto that no longer serve you or your universal purpose and whatever may be hanging out in your house…junk drawers, second bedroom that is filled with years of “maybe I’ll need that one day items” and/or storage units you’ve been paying monthly for that you haven’t been to in a decade. The less you are carrying into your future the more room you’ll have for new fabulousness. Whatever you need to do to get this done…do it darling! Take a look at a recent before and after a closet audit. Creating space is one of the keys to less stress for your mind.
Closet before and after with Rayne Parvis in Culver City, Ca. - Hire Someone to Help You Be a Better You: When we try to save money and do everything ourselves we get less done. Admittedly, I am a total repeat offender in this category. I’m hiring a PR consultant to help me with PR…duh. Yes, I can sit there hour after hour, learning about this craft, read books on how to do it myself and spend endless hours researching who, what, when and where I should submit to. However, I don’t wanna! I’ve tried. I’d rather be shopping, volunteering or working on my business which I enjoy doing. What has taken me hours and hours to do, my PR expert knows the remedy and the future success recipe instantly. Another example, for my styling clients, I can take one look at a photo and know in under 3 seconds how we can improve their overall appearance. So, yes, hire that experienced expert to get you on your personal success track. Experts to consider; personal stylists(for real!), personal trainers, matchmakers, professional photographers for your business, branding agencies, nutritionist, professional organizers, dating coaches, interior designers and business coaches. Did I miss one? Leave in the comments below.
May you all prosper and be a better you in 2018 and beyond. Check out my latest style expert spot, DATING, STYLE AND SEX RESOLUTIONS: EMPOWERING AIMS FOR 2018, on my dear friend and client’s award-winning podcast Girl Boner. No, it’s not as perverse as it may sound. It’s all about women empowerment in the bedroom and beyond. Woo-hoo!

Bonus: Read You Are A Bad Ass and You Are A Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero. She knows how to tell it like it is and get your badassery flowing. You all know I love self-help books to get you moving!