I know! We all lead such busy lives that are hair, style and certain body parts can be neglected. Keeping the following 5 simple style tips and tricks in mind will help you look EFFORTLESSLY put together. In addition check out 6 more tips to LOOK and FEEL lovely on August’s McLaughlin’s video that I was more than thrilled to be a part of.
Hair Style Trick #1: Keep Dry Shampoo Handy
Besides our face, our hair is one of the first things people notice. I recommend RAYNE CHECKING your hairstyle every 5 years or by age 30, 35, 40 and so on.
On the go and don’t have time to wash your locks? Trick: dry shampoo is a great way to freshen up oily and dirty hair. You can buy a powder, spray or mix cornstarch with cocoa powder and cinnamon for a DIY dry shampoo (tip from Las Vegas hair stylist Marlena Bansberg).
Fashion Tip #2: Dress According to Your Body Shape
Accentuate all those positives parts! Rule of thumb; wear brighter colors and patterns to the half of your body you want to draw people’s eyes to. Tip: if you want to appear thinner wear darker colors and solids to downplay the other half.
Fashion Tip # 3: Tailor Your Core Wardrobe
To get the perfect fit for our core wardrobe, we need to take in here, hem this and add a dart there. It’s all about the fit! Trick: tailoring can make you look extra polished, MORE successful and 10 pounds thinner…for real!
Style Tip #4. Organize Your Closet Like A Boutique

I find the “I have nothing to wear “ frustration” stems from a disheveled, unorganized and messy closet. A clean lay out equals a fresh approach to outfits. The more you can see, the more outfits will come to your mind. Tip: Organize your clothes by color from light to dark. Then by type of garment – skirts, pants, tanks, blouses and jackets. Sweaters, to keep their shape, can be folded and put in drawer or on a shelf. In make take a couple of weeks to get the hang of keeping your clothing color coded…but practice makes perfect. Soon it will be second nature to be neat!
Image Tip #5: Polish Those Toes
People notice your feet. If you wear open-toed shoes or sandals make sure your feet are purrrr-ty. No dirty, green, ripped, long or raggedy unpainted toe nails. Keep those dry heels under wraps too! This can ruin a look. If you don’t take care of your feet we can only imagine what else you fail to care for. If you have a toe nail that is dead and detached(pictured below)…LET IT GO! Please don’t put a band-aid on it. It will grow back. I was cracking up when I saw my friend had showed up to a brunch with her foot like this. Tip: Have the manicurist use your own nail polish. You will be able to touch up any chips or peels yourself.

Watch host of Girl Boner and author August McLaughlin’s ‘10 Ways to Look and Feel as Lovely as You Are’ featuring yours truly!
For more style and fashion tips check out the best and only book I’ve written;) Ultimate Guide to Style From Drab to Fab! .
Join me for a day of beauty and transformation at The Good Life Academy is Tarzana, California March 29, 2015 10 am-5 pm.