If you’ve ever struggled with what ingredients you “should or shouldn’t” be putting on your face, have spent an exorbitant amount of time in the aisle trying to decide on what face product to buy, or keep buying random “promises of having more youthful skin” from QVC and the like, maybe simplifying your skincare routine is just what you need.
I wanted to share my dear client’s, Desirée Mee Jung, an LA actress, story with you. I am always shocked about how the beauty industry can get away with putting so many poisons in our “must have make-up and skincare essentials”. When I saw on social media that she was promoting the line, Beautycounter, and I saw Kate Hudson referring to it in a gossip magazine, I became curious. After all, if Kate Hudson was for it, I mean, “hello!”, it must be good.

I ended up buying some of the pure products and I loved them. Having the reassurance that I wasn’t using products that caused cancer, infertility, or respiratory, neurological , thyroid or gastrointestinal problems, there was just one less thing to worry about. Also important is there is no testing on animals; it’s a cruelty free company. I no longer cringe or think about if there is something better or if I should upgrade. I don’t think about my skincare routine at all, I just use Beautycounter and I’m done.
I reached out to Des to answer a few questions:
Rayne: Okay, tell me how this all started for you and why?
Des: I’ve never been one to have a “beauty regime” – no facials, no double cleansing, no mud masks, and I wear very little make up on a regular basis. So price was mostly what I cared about when it came to my personal care products. In 2016, I started having major gastrointestinal problems. I’ve always cared about the food I ate, but I was more focused on how it would make me look and not how it would make me feel. After a VERY intense situation on my way to see a show, I knew I had to take a look at EVERYTHING going in my system, including through my skin. I started the Whole30 and dove into all my personal care products. Now, there are thousands of ingredients used in personal care products and after doing some preliminary research, I quickly became overwhelmed. I knew I wasn’t going to have the bandwidth to go down this rabbit hole…I needed to find a brand to TRUST. Then I discovered Beautycounter and their message was simple:
…safer products into the hands of everyone.

Rayne: I love it! So what’s the big deal about BEAUTYCOUNTER?
Des: The personal care industry is extremely under-regulated and BeautyCounter is committed to changing this. They lobby the federal government for legislation reform, they practice what they preach and only manufacture with the highest of safety standards with full ingredient transparency, and they consistently educate the consumer to expect higher standards from their personal care products. ADVOCATE. FORMULATE. EDUCATE. At the end of the day I know that Beautycounter is doing the work and I trust that every product I use has my health as a priority.

Rayne: How are Beautycounter’s products safer than something that says “natural or organic” at our local drugstore?
Des: The last time a major federal law was passed in the United States regulating the personal care industry was back in 1938. This is just plain sad. Here is a example of how the US is way behind in protecting it’s consumers: Currently Banned Ingredients from Personal Care Industry : European Union = 1,400
Canada = 600
United States = 30 Beautycounter = 1,800+
There are no regulations for companies to disclose all of the ingredients used to make a product and many of these ingredients have been found to contribute to multiple health problems. In addition, if a product is found to be harmful or dangerous, the FDA can only ask the company to voluntarily remove it from the shelves. That’s it.
Rayne: That makes me so mad! Anyway, I love the fact that this company goes above and beyond to help take the guessing out of our skincare routine! Thanks for sharing with us Des!
If you or anyone else you think would benefit from this please use or send them this info from the last note from Desiree:
If you’re interested in trying BeautyCounter, you can purchase through my PERSONAL WEBSITE LINK or enter DESIREE GAGNON as your consultant at checkout.
If you want help with product recommendations or shade recommendations, please feel free to CONTACT ME! You can also take the SKINCARE QUIZ to see what the best products are for your needs.
Sign up for the Newsletter and receive the NEW CLIENT PROMOTION 20% OFF.
Promotion ends Feb.28th,2021.

I hope you all have a beautiful Valentine’s Day! If you’re not following me on Instagram, you’ve got to! I share a plethora of style tips, feel good stories, and all things that are fashionably interesting. For style info and self-love gift ideas for Valentine’s Day you can shop from my Nordstrom profile here.